Clasp (an acrostic poem)


Clutching her close, his face in her hair

Lavender and eucalyptus filled his nostrils.

A tingle traveled up and down his spine.

So much magic in that simple moment.

Pitting the infinite against the instant, forever forced to hold hands.

Year (an acrostic poem)


You all said it couldn’t be done.

Every single one of you bet against me.

And now here we are, 365 days later, and what do you have to say now?

Really?  Told you so?  I thought you might have a bit more sympathy since I failed so miserably

Brash (an acrostic poem)


Beating a dead horse became his specialty.

Railing against the machine his mission in life.

All he lived for was to troll as many people as he could on Twitter.

So it was surprising when he found a woman who would put up with his shenanigans.

Her secret?  She bought his mama’s house and locked him inside the basement.

Hint (an acrostic poem)


Her bemused smirk told him he was being made fun of

It didn’t help though, since if he asked about its meaning she would belittle him even more

Now if she made up the whole thing, well if he let that go she would hold that against him for years

That’s why he studied her. Was hent even a word? He hoped she would give him even the slightest…

Grain (an acrostic poem)


Growing rows of amber waved in the hot wind

Reaching for one of the sheathes, she pulled the kernels free

And rubbed them against each other in her hands, freeing the seeds from their husks

It released a wonderful smell of summer turning toward fall

Nodding she walked back to the farmhouse.  Tomorrow they would harvest.

Vector (an acrostic poem)


Velocity was too high and from the wrong direction for the two spacecraft to dock.

Even with all the acceleration he had at his fingertips, the joining would not be successful.

Considering the impulse they were about to experience, he shouted, “Brace yourselves!”

The impact caused them to increase angular momentum, spinning them and the forces pinned them hard against their seats.

Observing their attempted destination spin away into the void, he fired the thrusters to arrest the erratic rotation.

Rockets fired and the spacecraft slowed in the gravitational field it floated in.

Face (an acrostic poem)


Feeling where his eyes, his cheekbones, and his jaw were. It gave her a quick mental picture.

Alice smiled.  He was a handsome boy for sure.

Clyde asked her, “Would you like to see how my lips feel?”

Everything stopped as his lips pressed against hers.

Wasp (an acrostic poem)


Wings buzzed their warning against the evil death dealer

As it swooped in to get its revenge for the hundreds she had just killed

She screamed and brought up the can of bug spray to finish the job

Perhaps she was more the villain than the hero, but she terminated it and screamed victory

Complete (an acrostic poem)


Carnage had been prophesied since the day of her birth

Obliterate the evil, or else she would fail, and the world would burn

Many people tried to guide her, their interests, they felt, were the same as hers

Pulling her six different ways at once, she ended up pitting them against each other

Letting their division give her the room to find her own way

Everything was going well.  The darkness was beaten back.

The final battle took place, and in the end, she was victorious

Everyone’s cheers turned to screams when she didn’t stop and began attacking them